Sejur Puglia - Monte Sarago Hotel, cu plecare din Bucuresti

Hotel Monte Sarago offers air conditioned rooms with free internet and a 32'' satellite TV. It is a 5-minute walk from Ostuni's historic centre. The Puglia coast is just 10 minutes’ drive away.

Rooms at the Monte Sarago Hotel are decorated in a contemporary Mediterranean style and have ultra-modern bathrooms. Some have a balcony with panoramic views. Free WI-Fi is available throughout the hotel.

The panoramic restaurant "Attico Rooftop 225" is open as bar and restaurant.
Lacus Spa is available on request and with an additional cost.

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Transport cu avionul pe ruta OTP - BRI (OTP-BRI, BRI-OTP)

1 bagaj de cala si 1 bagaj de mana/ persoana

Taxe de aeroport

Transfer aeroport - hotel - aeroport

Cazare 7 nopti

Early Booking Offers 10%

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Asigurare de calatorie medicala si storno

Cheltuieli personale, bacsisuri, bauturi si servicii/facilitati neincluse in pretul pachetului (in functie de oferta fiecarui hotel)

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Sejururi cu avionul din Bucuresti catre Monte Sarago, Puglia - Bari, Italia

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